August 30, 2024

Why Video is a Critical Ingredient in Your SearchGPT Optimization Strategy

We recently wrote about the impact of video on SEO, but wanted to address another topic that's on everyone's minds lately: SearchGPT. If you haven't heard about SearchGPT, it's the latest prototype from ChatGPT that combines the strength of their AI models with information from the web to give users fast and timely answers with clear and relevant sources. It's still in beta mode, but for SEO marketers, now is time to start thinking about optimizing their content for AI-powered search.

Now, honestly, if you're already optimizing for search, you won't have to do much beyond that. But in this guide, we wanted to explain why video will continue being an important part of SEO and maybe more relevant when SearchGPT launches to the masses. Let's dive in!

Video is still super relevant to SEO

If video has yet to be integrated into your SEO efforts, now is the time to start.

Among the key factors, user involvement is an essential metric on determining how content ranks on AI-powered search engines. Videos naturally capture and hold viewers' attention longer than text. So, if you're showing off a product, giving a how-to, or sharing a brand story, video can engage audiences which then in turns signals that it's valuable material to AI systems like SearchGPT. That potentially leads to higher placements and broader exposure.

AI is advancing to be able to examine video content as thoroughly as written pieces. Through automatic transcription, AI can interpret spoken audio within videos and catalog the information. Additionally, visual and audio elements can be analyzed to gauge relevance to user searches. So well-optimized videos stand as high a chance of appearing in results as carefully crafted articles.

Videos Enhance Rich Snippets and Featured Results

Search engines have started prominently displaying video clips in their search results, especially for queries requiring a visual or demonstrative clarification. By creating high-quality video material that directly addresses common inquiries or challenges in your industry, you boost the probability of your videos being highlighted as rich snippets or in the coveted "Featured Results" area. This not only raises visibility but also drives more traffic to your website.

Video Improves the User Experience

User experience is a significant ranking factor for AI-powered search engines. And video can significantly enhance this experience by offering a more interactive and immersive way for users to absorb information. Any type of video will do: instructional video, a product review, or a company story. Videos are simply an engaging method to communicate complex ideas quickly and effectively. This improved user experience can lead to longer site visits, lower bounce rates, and higher rankings.

Trends in Video Consumption

The consumption of video content continues to increase, particularly on mobile devices. Users turn to video for information and entertainment, so search engines are adapting by prioritizing video material in their results. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok are becoming preferred sources for finding info, and AI models like SearchGPT are following suit by integrating video content more heavily into search outputs. Ignoring this trend could mean missing out on a significant portion of your audience. Here are some ways you can optimize your existing videos.

Ensure Compatibility with Voice Search

Voice searching is another growing trend that complements video content. When users search by voice, they often seek concise, spoken answers—something video is particularly well-suited to provide. By optimizing your video content for voice search, you can increase your chances of being featured in voice search results, further expanding your reach.

Add Appropriate Metadata

Optimizing videos for SEO can boost visibility on search engines. Descriptive titles, tags, and transcriptions increase how easy videos are for AI models to understand.

Don't Forget About Mobile

SearchGPT, like most AI-driven search technologies, doesn't explicitly prioritize mobile-friendly sites over desktop versions. However, many underlying algorithms used in search engines, including those that might power tools like SearchGPT, do consider mobile-friendliness as a factor when ranking search results. This is because user experience on mobile devices is crucial, given the significant portion of web traffic that comes from mobile users.

The bottom line

Incorporating video into SEO strategies is necessary, not optional, as AI search prioritizes it more. Embracing video will give businesses an edge as SearchGPT and others emphasize this format. By creating engaging, high-quality videos and optimizing for search, visibility improves along with user engagement and traffic.
